Healing done painlessly!
I began Rapid Relief Counseling because I wanted to create an environment that promotes healing and transformation. I specialize in Rapid Resolution Therapy developed by Dr. Jon Connelly, and focus on assisting survivors of traumatic events to find healing and peace. I have observed that the imprints of these experiences have been continuing to cause pain, emotional unrest, and has been affecting how the person interacts with themselves, their loved ones, and the world.
My passion and purpose is to help people heal painlessly from what has been disturbing to them. I earnestly believe that NOTHING is wrong with YOU! The problem has been with the way the mind has been processing information and through the use of Rapid Resolution Therapy we can make a significant difference in how you have been thinking, feeling, acting, and reacting. RRT has been found, time and again to be helpful in reducing unsettling thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and leaving you feeling lighter, free, and like YOU again!
Healing should not be painful. What I love most about assisting survivors is that by using RRT the healing process is completely painless. Rapid Resolution Therapy is a gentle approach to healing. Clients have described their sessions with me as deeply relaxing, compassionate, and yes, even fun! Who knew that healing could be painless and fun!
Check out the Testimonials page and read about how just one RRT session can change your life!
You have SURVIVED now it's time to THRIVE!
"Sometimes in the waves of change we find our true direction"
- Santhosh MKS